61 research outputs found

    Experiential science as a novel scientific discipline

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    This report was presented at the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference. This paper positions experiential science as a new discipline in science with its own characteristics and principles. New elements in experiential science are the recognition of unique patterns in relation to previous actions and the reflection on intuitive, unique actions. There is a need for a new vocabulary to develop experiential science as a novel discipline

    Erfahrungswissenschaft und Expertenblick -Eine Forschungsmethode inspiriert von der biologisch-dynamischen Landwirtschaft

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    Experiential science is based on the unique knowledge gathered by experienced practitioners. Both the reflective evaluation of case studies and expert judgement processes and the use of pattern recognition are core elements of experiential scien-tific methodology. Development of experiential knowledge and insights are thus pri-marily based on experts’ actions and the reflections on those actions. The methodol-ogy has been created based on intensive cooperation between single farmers or farmer groups and scientists/advisors. Experiential knowledge is not only holistic, but also adequate. As in formal science, experienced practitioners develop valid knowl-edge and in new, unknown situations they have a capability to integrate their diagno-sis (“knowing what”) and suitable actions, necessary at a specific time (“knowing that”)

    Desk study on homeopathy in organic livestock farming: Principles, obstacles and recommendations for practice and research

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    Organic livestock farming has its own concept of health and welfare. The approach to health can be characterised by the key words human, preventive, self-regulating and holistic (Chapter 1). This has consequences for the way we deal with diseases and problems, the nature of the solutions and the use of medication, among other things. In terms of therapeutic and regulatory measures this health concept is based primarily on natural food supplements and homeopathic remedies, which in view of their origin fit in well with the natural character of organic agriculture (Verhoog et al., 2002). Apart from various forms of potentised remedies (classic, clinical, anthroposophic, isopathic; Chapter 2) and all manner of applications within phytotherapy (Bach flower, aromatherapy), there is interest in organic livestock farming in complementary health treatments other than acupuncture. We also need more detailed research into the practical implications of possible self-medication by animals (Engel, 2001). Complementary medicine demands a new type of knowledge in relation to its working mechanism, testing for authenticity and the way it is used (Chapter 3). The thinking behind the use of homeopathic remedies often based on a preventive approach to health. With the aid of these remedies the doctor seeks to create a more balanced environment in and around the animal and to improve the animal’s resistance to infections (Baars en Ellinger, 1997). Striezel (2001) calls homeopathy a regulatory therapy, which heals the body by stimulating the individual immune system and regulating the metabolism. The use of homeopathic remedies is still limited in practice, partly due to a lack of suitably trained veterinary practitioners (Chapter 4). In the elaboration of the research questions the authors discovered that the use of homeopathic remedies meets with particular resistance which can be traced back to philosophical assumptions (sections 4.1-4.3). As the research is fleshed out it is therefore important that it is not simply carried out in conformity with currently valid scientific standards. The research design must also be in line with the philosophy of homeopathy in terms of both quantity and quality (Chapter 5). This is particularly important for homeopathy because its therapeutic methods are based on principles which do not fit in with conventional notions about life. The similia principle (law of similars) is an important feature of homeopathy and homeopathy shares the second key concept of potentisation with anthroposophy (Chapter 2). There is limited acceptance of homeopathic remedies in particular, despite the fact that there is some empirical evidence for the efficacy of homeopathic treatments. Both outcome research into homeopathic treatments of humans and animals and fundamental empirical research into the validity of the similia law and the efficacy of high dilutions produce results which tend to bear this out. However, it is rejected out of hand on ontological grounds and because of the assumed working mechanism. Follow-up research into homeopathic remedies is desirable, but must be in line with the underlying complementary health and welfare concept of organic agriculture, which includes treatment with veterinary medicines. Randomised Clinical Trials are thus only of limited use, since they disregard the individually tailored nature of the treatment. In practice however, sufficient alternative therapies have been developed which can be used in outcome research. The researchers propose a graduated structure for the outcome research (Chapter 6). The first step is to join in with the monitoring of experience in practice, and follow this with casuistic outcome research

    Goetheanistische Qualitätsbeurteilung von Kuhrohmilch Der Eigen-Abbauprozess bei 20oC und dessen Beurteilung

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    The spontaneous degradation of milk at 20oC was investigated within a Goetheanistic approach to determine the milk quality. Two opposite degradation processes were found. One extreme were milk samples that got sour within 1 1/2 day and showed no further changes. The pH was stable at about 4.0. Only a grey mould deck covered the cream at the top. This extreme was called the acid pole. On the other side, milk sam-ples remained fluid over 5-7 days period. Taste became even more intensive after day 2-3 (like roasted nuts). Fungi were flat growing and very colourful in red and yellow. The casein was clotting very slowly at the bottom of the glass and tended to be solu-ble in the end and the fat layer became thinner every day. The pH of this milk never came under the level of 5.0. This process was called the protein degradation pole. Based on these extremes and their transition process in between, we made about 15 classes for degradation

    Antibiotikafreie Milchproduktion - Erfahrungen aus der Praxis

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    Im Rahmen des Projekts wurden 15 Betriebsinhaber, die antibiotikafrei Milch produzieren besucht und zu ihren Managementmaßnahmen in der Tierhaltung befragt. Ziel war es, das Management von erfolgreichen Betrieben zu analysieren. Ziel des Projekts war es Faktoren und Maßnahmen, die einen Antibiotikaverzicht möglich machen zu erkennen, analysieren und anderen Landwirten verfügbar zu machen. Als relevante Faktoren für die Tiere zeigten sich eine bereits stabile Kälbergesundheit sowie das Ausschalten von Stressfaktoren, die die Gesundheit der Tiere beeinflussen. Hierfür sind teilweise auch stallbauliche Änderungen notwendig. Außerdem zeigte sich eine gute Mensch- Tier Beziehung von Vorteil

    Methodenvergleich zur Beurteilung der Milchqualität Goetheanistische Betrachtung, Geschmack, Analytik und Bakteriologie

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    The process of spontaneous degradation of milk at 20oC was compared with other analytical quality parameters in milk. Biodynamic milk showed a higher oxidation of the milk fat and a longer renneting time. Conventional milk often tasted better. There is a correlation between several hygienic parameters in milk (germ count, etc) and the quality of degradation. However, the total germ count could not explain all differences and the question was raised if biodynamic milk might have a better resistance to degradation due to a specific bacterial flora or other defence mechanisms in the bio-dynamic milk

    Fettsäuren in Demeter-Milch - Differenzierung und Europäischer Vergleich mit konventioneller Milch

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    Im Rahmen verschiedener Projekte wurden in West-, Mittel- und Nordeuropa Demeter-Milchproben gesammelt und verglichen. Ein zusätzlicher Vergleich zwischen 2x10 gepaarten Molkereimischproben von Demeter-Milch und konventioneller Milch erfolgte. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass sich die Milchfettqualität der Demeter-Milch stark im Sommer- und Winterhalbjahr unterscheidet und stärker auf Weidehaltung basiert als konventionelle Milch. Außerdem bedingt die Höhenlage der Betriebe, und somit das Futterangebot, die Milchfettqualität

    Hörner und Wärmeregulierung - Schlüsse aus Hornformen und Wärmebildern

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    Jeder Landwirt fasst seine Kühe an ihren Hörnern, um herauszufinden ob das Tier gesund ist: dann haben sie warme Hörner. Hörner sind Organe des Rindes, die das Einzeltier physiologisch in der Auseinandersetzung mit der Umgebung unterstützen, nachweislich bei der Regulierung der Körpertemperatur. Behornte Tiere können vermutlich besser mit Temperaturschwankungen und Hitzestress umgehen. Dies ist vor allem bei Weidegang von Bedeutung

    Kuhhorn, Milchqualität und Wärmeregulierung - Die Analyse von Stoffwechselprodukten in der Milch klärt Zusammenhänge

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    Der Zusammenhang zwischen Hörnern und Verdauung wurde, bezugnehmend auf die Milchqualität horntragender und hornloser Kühe, untersucht. Dafür wurden 2x28 Kuhpaare beprobt und die Gehalte von Fettsäure des Milchfettes, Eiweiße und die Metabolite im Milchserum gemessen. Im zweiten Schritt wurde versucht, anhand bestehender Erkenntnisse die durch Enthornung bedingten Stoffwechselunterschiede zu erklären. Weiterhin waren anthroposophische Aspekte des Milchkonsums ein Thema der Untersuchung. Das Fazit lautet: es ist nachvollziehbar, auf Raufutter betonte Milchleistung, auf Fettqualität und auf wesensgemäße Fütterung der Kühe zu achten. Die Hörner scheinen vor allem für den Wärmehaushalt eine besondere Bedeutung zu haben

    Chance fĂĽr Schweizer Biomilch

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    Es ist wissenschaftlich gut belegt: Weidehaltung und Fütterung mit frischem Grünfutter führen zu einer besseren Milchqualität. Milch aus dem Berggebiet mit Sömmerung auf Alpen ist besonders vorzüglich. Solche Milch enthält mehr gesundheitsfördernde Fettsäuren in günstigerer Zusammensetzung. Bereits wird diskutiert, wie sich die höhere Qualität preislich ausdrücken könnte
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